Thursday, February 4, 2010

I can see you

OK, so the title is a bit creepy. But that's kind of the point: My front door now has a peephole.

The architects of my townhouse for some inexplicable reason did not include any side glass or windows near the front door. So I had no idea whether the person ringing my doorbell is a neighborhood girl scout selling cookies or a Uzi-toting madman hell-bent on world destruction. (Yes, I watch a lot of REALLY bad movies.)

I had the idea to install a peephole/viewfinder after I evaluated my new home's security. About a month after I had the idea, a local company sent me an advertisement, telling me they'd install a peephole for what seemed like a lot of money.

I was right, it WAS a lot of money. My local hardware store sold me a peephole for about $10-12 dollars. (Amazon sells them, too.) I already had the drill and half-inch drill bit.

Don't want to drill a hole yourself? Find a Triangle-based security company with this Google search.

Some tips:
Splurge on the peephole: I got the peephole with the largest viewing angle available. I almost can see more through the peephole than I can with the door open. It cost about $2 more than a limited-scope peephole.
Make sure you know your door: If your door used to be a bank vault, you're probably going to need some heavy-duty equipment, or at least some extra drill bits.
Install the peephole at a comfortable height: I'm kind of a tall dude, so the peephole went in a few inches below eye level so others don't have to stand on their toes. If you have children around, consider installing a second, lower peephole.

More good tips and peephole alternatives can be found here. It's alarmist, but useful.

And now, I'm safe(r) from Uzi-toting madmen.


  1. Are you sure the girl scouts aren't secretly the uzi-wielding crazies?

  2. LOL, anon, I'm sure *now.* They can't hide their guns from my super-duper peephole anymore.
