Friday, January 15, 2010

Swimming in my money like Scrooge McDuck

In case you haven't looked directly to your right, or slightly up and to the right, I recently became a first-time homeowner. That means I qualified for the original first-time homeowner federal government tax credit* (not to be confused with the original first-time homeowner perk of a no-interest loan.)

*If you're thinking about buying your first home, and you have the money to do so, get it done QUICKLY. The current tax credit opportunity expires at the end of April.

I don't understand *why* the feds allowed this, but I was able to amend my 2008 return to claim the tax credit, rather than waiting to claim the tax credit on my 2009 taxes, when I actually bought my townhouse. Thus, when I checked my mailbox this week, a lovely four-figure check from the U.S. government had arrived.

I actually did a happy dance when I saw the check (luckily, nobody saw me, so there isn't any video).

Before any of my wonderful blog readers hit me up for free drinks or financial favors, know that I've already deposited the money in my bank account. After all, I do have a down payment to defray.

What would you do with the money? Spend it? Save it? Cash it in for quarters and swim in it like Scrooge McDuck?

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