Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Trash vs. recycling

During the last few weeks, I'm proud to say there's been more stuff at the curb in my recycling bin than in my trash can. I'm down to about one kitchen trash bag per week.

The difference came after I reread the City of Raleigh's recycling rules, which reminded me all the junk mail I accumulate can be recycled. In fact, I have another foot-high stack of newspaper, junk mail and old envelopes ready to go out this week, plus some cardboard boxes I should have ditched weeks ago.

Two caveats: I *do* create a lot of trash. But I eat most of my meals at/near work, so most of my trash doesn't come home with me. Also, recycling isn't necessarily the most "green" solution, but at least all of my waste isn't going to the landfill.

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